PW-2432-11281.G- WRRF Tertiary Filtration Facilities
Accepting Bids
Prebid Date8/22/24 10:00am
Bid Date9/19/24 2:30pm
Company & Contacts
Meridian, Idaho
The Work of this Contract comprises the construction of this Tertiary Filtration Facilities Project, which will provide tertiary treatment of 12.5 million gallons per
day and allow future treatment expandability. Tertiary Filtration Facilities include influent and effluent pipelines, secondary effluent flow equalization, a
membrane feed pump station, membrane filtration, chemical storage facilities, and appurtenant work. The Tertiary Filtration Facilities will replace the existing
cloth media tertiary filtration facility; portions of existing infrastructure will be demolished as part of the Work to allow the construction of new site
infrastructure. Portions of the Work also involve the installation of equipment and materials to be furnished by the City.