DPW-24011-ADM Replace 3 Rooftop Units and 1 Cooling Tower
Accepting Bids
Prebid Date9/12/24 9:00am
Bid Date10/1/24 11:00am
Company & Contacts
Idaho Falls, Idaho
RTU-1 – The existing equipment is an indirect gas fired duct furnace with a modulating outside air intake damper and a modulating return air damper. Relief
air is accomplished by a nearby roof mounted exhaust fan. The supply airflow rate is 4000 CFM and the natural gas heating capacity is 288 MBH output. This
equipment has no cooling capability and no existing electrical infrastructure to support cooling. Replacement equipment will have natural gas fired heating
and controls compatible with the existing controls infrastructure in the building.
RTU-2 – The existing equipment is an indirect gas fired duct furnace with a modulating outside air intake damper and a modulating return air damper. Relief
air is accomplished by a nearby roof mounted exhaust fan. The supply airflow rate is 2200 CFM and the natural gas heating capacity is 162 MBH output. This
equipment has cooling DX cooling with a unit mounted coil and a roof mounted 5-ton nominal condensing unit. Replacement equipment will be a similar
rooftop unit with DX cooling and an associated air-cooled condenser, natural gas fired heating, and controls compatible with the existing controls
infrastructure in the building.
RTU-3 – This equipment is almost identical to RTU-1 and the replacement scope is the same.
Estimated Cost: $400,000